
I'm a mountain but I'll get over it!

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Location: San Rafael, No. Cal., United States

Journaling conceptual design trends, mostly as "stream of consciousness" as encouragement. Environmental resolve will teach us peace. Paradox mediation provides the next healthy attitude.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Farmer's Market

Every Thursday, at 6 PM the City of San Rafael, mainstreet traffic transformed into pedestrian pulses coagulating around booths of various interests. Though called a farrmer's market, the actual farmers were barely left from morning at Civic Center parking lot, so the street fair of flavors cover a long couple of blocks from rotisserie chicken to Thai curry w/ eggroll. Kettlecorn aroma drifts over to where the Peace Alliance rep, Jolie distributes her hopeful concern that a much better time is in the work. The encouragement to make Peace Can't Wait! magnetic reminders of the attraction creativity came from Marco's desire to give his drawings away. The meet and greet energy made magical connections. But that was a week ago that the season ended, I can still go to the morning market for my locally grown produce during my lunch break. I wish could share more of the stories but staying busy keeps me young.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I hadn't seen him in months when, first thing, he says, "Do you like me Brad?"
"It depends, Angelo . . are you trying to make me uncomfortable?
You shouldn't make me responsible for if YOU are likable."
~projection rejection~ "It's not about you but behavior,
Behavior is the drawing (cartoon) you do of yourself and I am lucky enough to have met some of your better characters."

Monday, September 17, 2007

consider . .

my parenting style can
make me more considerate
for what isn't said. .
freedom challenges re-strict-ion
to play designer
as awareness extends
patience . .

Thursday, September 13, 2007

. .punitive costs!

What constitutes technical
interruption? Points to
restorative justice!
. .cultural correction?

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Am I Right?

All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third ... it is accepted as self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer - German Philosopher, 1788-1860
AIR is my best truth model, as always there without any appearance of existence, either being sucked in or blown about, conceptual existence at its most elusive. I keep learning to think less solid, in the image of truth.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

responsive self

Can we take the responsibility for how we make others feel?
How freely does the character of a whole country relate to leadership responsibility?
Can the extreme difference in the last two administrations offer observations of judgment reduced neutrally by simply defining behavior parameters?
The Bush cabal seems exclusive reaction to the almost too inclusive group dynamic that Clinton's White House image projected.
The relativity theory of equal and opposite reactions balance the similarity factors of permeating attitude adjustments for founding party s.
Better choice allows restorative recognition of the natural dichotomy to lessen the punitive costs of defensive offensiveness.
The Bush Bullsh*t (fertilizer) is necessary for the quality of service this Information Age can germinate (with honest effort.)
Spirit is the contributive freedom to inspire becoming a do-nation of equals.
Advantage taking is the toxic attraction of compounding imbalance, selfishly.

How content must one be to stop feeling a right to take advantage of parental and other preceding limits?
The gift of life is shared appreciation of being understood as well as expectations allow reality to develop.
I look for light in others so I can reflect into dim corners of the space to fill.


Can awareness be more than consciousness?
Wouldn't ideas project ahead of the tools that can create forms?
Do my questions frustrate a need for answers?
If you could relax/empty thinking maybe there are better feelings of mind~fullness?

Energy is created by the paradox relationship,
answers evolve questions of accuracy which care can extend in better measure.
The exaggeration factor is a reflexive, energetic paradox. (exaggerated fact)
Life is inconsistent perfection of growth factors developing response abilities.

I ask myself to relate definitions of others to inner revelations.
Reevaluations prove accurate inconsistencies as pattern recognition.
Studying projection theory clears filters to sharpen the spectrum of properties.
Material property is (like the body) in a location to start connecting conceptual values of making results that can be touched, seen, heard, etc.

Senses of place develop levels like street, city, county, state, country, etc.
Respect is sharing feelings conscious understanding capacities.
Duration appreciates interest fragments into investments like timing in hours becoming days, a part of weeks, reminding us of what cannot be taken apart.

Our lifetime, a drop of an ocean of time, as a projector lens of living fluidly.