Farmer's Market
Every Thursday, at 6 PM the City of San Rafael, mainstreet traffic transformed into pedestrian pulses coagulating around booths of various interests. Though called a farrmer's market, the actual farmers were barely left from morning at Civic Center parking lot, so the street fair of flavors cover a long couple of blocks from rotisserie chicken to Thai curry w/ eggroll. Kettlecorn aroma drifts over to where the Peace Alliance rep, Jolie distributes her hopeful concern that a much better time is in the work. The encouragement to make Peace Can't Wait! magnetic reminders of the attraction creativity came from Marco's desire to give his drawings away. The meet and greet energy made magical connections. But that was a week ago that the season ended, I can still go to the morning market for my locally grown produce during my lunch break. I wish could share more of the stories but staying busy keeps me young.