honestly . .
I need to believe this administration is a victim of ill-intent from an inherited defensive reflex that humans need coaching to overcome. This is the education gap, while they would cite financial management as the missing training for public freedom. Why does their style of freedom need to be bought? The way money is the master of power has us in deep credit/debt slavery!
If they felt freedom naturally, they wouldn't have to use treason fears to motivate blame and shame. If someone different than you has less value then you don't understand a better freedom to be possible. Defending old standards isn't natural when every season changes values (by distribution of holidays).
The freedom from this Bush administration will be the EQUAL / OPPOSITE reaction potential to react appropriately from mistakes of defensive denial and rise to the value of sharing fairer than before. Maybe the way they tricked the U.N. will trigger an international need for restorative justice. The use of deception will boomerang into a new HONEST ABE personality example.
The polarization of ideals is reflexive from a punitive system of government. President Lincoln's greatest speech reminded US to keep referring to the power of COMMON SENSE which inspired our Founding Fathers. The Civil War was basically social engineering - putting the unity back in community.
The masters that need to free us NOW are attitudes of profit-making from the industrial revolution. With appreciation of the Information Age will come new values of education and parenting properly. The Service Transformation will put social powers back in balance over governmental greed.
We need to free ourselves... it can be done, and I would say you and I both are at an advantage, living where we do.
I love the Shasta LK area... towns like Dunsmuir, Vollmers and Lakehead... ahhh..
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