
I'm a mountain but I'll get over it!

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Location: San Rafael, No. Cal., United States

Journaling conceptual design trends, mostly as "stream of consciousness" as encouragement. Environmental resolve will teach us peace. Paradox mediation provides the next healthy attitude.

Monday, August 06, 2007

true blue

as a painter I have many drop-cloths so I tried to use up my excessive amount of blue paint, the patriotic color scheme has always seemed less than creative for some reason . .


Blogger BBC said...

Ah, I paint a lot also. But I don't often use drop cloths. I figure that the paint is supposed to go from the brush or roller to the intended target.

Back in the 60's I read in a Readers Digest about a man that painted in office buildings in a suit and tie with women working all around him even as he painted the ceilings.

I'm not that good, but I've always tried to be. I got a complement today from a man that saw a high dollar home that I painted last fall.

He was impressed with the line between the wall and the ceiling. Nothing to it, good brush and take your time. Get half drunk if you have to. LOL

Masking things off, screw that, it's a waste of time and trees.

8/6/07, 9:20 PM  
Blogger brad4d said...

I worked for a drip-less guy who set me up for the challenging conditions, I wouldn't have minded at all if he didn't brag about how good he felt about going right out to dinner after a "hard-day's" work ~ I WORK for my shower! I agree with you about masking and drop-cloth obsession. That "right-state-of-mind" thing can make painting a meditation for me.

8/7/07, 7:13 AM  
Blogger Charles Bergeman said...

I just finished painting a bathroom. I did all the masking, thinking I was doing the right thing.

I'm used to painting on canvas not on walls so much. And when I do, I have done murals.

I learned a lesson you guys have already learned. That a steady hand was better than tape.

The tape was unreliable and cumbersome.

My hand/arm was reliable and intuitive.

8/7/07, 8:36 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

I am doing 'signs', but they are paintings in disguise, figures and words, a little pay, getting easier by the minute.

Honestly, my hand is not what it used to be, masking helps in some situations. But the pleasure is felt when the brush is right, the time is there, and the will coincides. Then, 'age' has nothing to do with it, something else is at hand.

Excessiveness leads to you know what. Even in painting. Would it be that we could get past that.

Oh, the trials of an artist! Sometimes it really hurts.

8/10/07, 11:32 PM  

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