
I'm a mountain but I'll get over it!

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Location: San Rafael, No. Cal., United States

Journaling conceptual design trends, mostly as "stream of consciousness" as encouragement. Environmental resolve will teach us peace. Paradox mediation provides the next healthy attitude.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Financial considerations . . .

. . since nothing can undermine the equality concept as quickly,
there is no stronger parasite to democratic foundation.
Taxation was considered the main motivation to split
the more-free people of American frontiers from how
monarchy considers the whole country and colonies property
of one family as a standard of supremacy.

Currency is flow of power through value systems.
American democracy holds the innovative currency to invest
in struggles with slavery and other effects of exploitation.
Exploration is the manifest destiny of creativity
so the paths must be mapped statistically to relate
response of return factors that can appreciate changes
in form fixation on symbolic supremacy such as gold.

Appreciation is the preferred behavior (of financial consideration)
which chooses to reward use of resources which encourage
participation in a system of support.
The man-made aspect of value judgment has toxic pricing.
The paradox of comparing a lack of financial backing with
a lack of awareness is the expense of punishment.

To invest in risk factors invokes intuitive feelings of emotional stability.
Removing financial considerations from everyday life might offer
a stability to social values beyond considerations created by financial binds.
Excessive attention to something as powerfully conceptual needs balancing
before conditions become symptomatic of pathology (by criminal intent definitions.


Blogger Vincent said...

"Exploration is the manifest destiny of creativity so the paths must be mapped statistically to relate
response of return factors that can appreciate changes in form fixation on symbolic supremacy such as gold."

Brad4d help me here, I am not telepathic enough. I have been trying, honest! Please tell me what you are meaning, as if to a dimwit.

7/31/07, 9:13 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

I am trying to determine whether in your piece you are approving the capitalist system in its current form or urging controls upon it or what.

7/31/07, 9:14 AM  
Blogger brad4d said...

I am encouraging the neutralization of desirarreah. Governmental imbalance is a symptom of exchange discrepancies. The principles of capitalism (and democracy) are as trustworthy as the people who interpret them. Corruption enters through desire, so what we value should be better than gold standards, how about life-supporting standards? Trust the self-sustainability application to up-grade (intuitively)? so I go beyond reason to evoke feelings of change.

7/31/07, 9:58 AM  

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