
I'm a mountain but I'll get over it!

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Location: San Rafael, No. Cal., United States

Journaling conceptual design trends, mostly as "stream of consciousness" as encouragement. Environmental resolve will teach us peace. Paradox mediation provides the next healthy attitude.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

conversational art

My enthusiasm is a child-like CARE to share appreciation.
People tell me I need to listen more . . as a basic re-action to the intensity I inspire.
My ability to hear MAY be just as powerful, so I have to believe.*
Explaining limitation is a trap to delay progress.
Justifying balance neutalizes advantage to polarization (through healthy debate.)
Care-ing to listen is a service that should be payed for in trust-development.
I can interview people for their own good, by leading them to new points of view.
Understanding is secondary to entertainment value - playing with concepts.
I show considerations that can be missed (until too late.)
Restorative justice motivates a better community than punitive shame.
Conflict resolution implies contentment found from a situation where no one can be happy. My positive approach is Contentment Counseling.

*Mediation training is a therapy to develop active listening by role-playing exercise


Blogger CE said...

I wish most people and therapists have this insight. Most people are quick to conclude and to judge.

12/17/06, 1:00 PM  

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